What is the advantage to manage multiple cloud storage accounts in one place?
Whether you are just looking for a better way to work with your own personal files or oversee data storage for a small or large business, having the power to manage multiple cloud storage accounts in one central hub will make your life much easier.
The best cloud storage manager options should allow its user to search for where the files they need are, transfer them, sync them, back them up and keep everything much more secure in general. This translates to finding a tool that features good connectivity across several different cloud platforms, offers several layers of security and encryption, and has some option for tracking the actions taken with the user’s cloud-stored data.
Having these options at your fingertips on your desktop, MacBook or even your phone is not only recommended for simplicity’s sake, but also for your own peace of mind. Knowing that your work files or vacation photos and videos can be quickly recovered from all your cloud drive accounts should disaster ever strike will definitely help with getting those recommended 8 hours of sleep each night.
Now that we’ve discussed the more obvious benefits of not having to jump between several different accounts to work with your cloud data, let’s look at what some of the better multi cloud storage manager tools are offering, and which one is the best.