Access the AWS Management Console.

Amazon Simple Storage Service, or simply S3, is a long-term, cloud-based data storage solution provided by the American tech giant. It comes with a web services interface that allows users to store and access information, at any given time, anywhere around the world through an internet connection. The idea behind the Amazon S3 client is that it offers the same scalability, reliability, and speed that Amazon uses to run its own websites, at an affordable rate.
Unlike many other cloud-based storage services, Amazon doesn’t use folders and files. Instead, they use buckets and objects. Every object is located in a bucket, the container for storing any number of other objects. Therefore, accessing the a bucket to get to the object stored in it is possible in three different ways:
The virtual-hosted style is destined for developers and programmers that access the S3 clients through coding. The native console and the bucket URL are the most popular access points among regular users.
As previously mentioned, the Amazon S3 FTP client can be used to access any bucket or object in the account. Before you can use S3, you will need to sign up for AWS first in case you don’t already have an account. Next, you should create an IAM user and sign-in as an IAM user. If you’re not sure about all these steps, you have detailed information right here.
Once you gain access to the S3 cloud storage solution, you can start creating buckets in which you’ll add the objects. Here’s how to use the native S3 FTP client to create a new bucket and get started:
Access the AWS Management Console.
Click on S3 under “Storage” or use the search bar to look for S3 if you don’t can’t localize it.
Click on “Create bucket”.
Type the Bucket Name and then choose the region from the dropdown list (if this is not your first bucket, you can get the setting from an existing one as well).
Go to Configure Settings and choose the way your new bucket will function.
Next, you get to decide who can access the new bucket created and what are the permission for other AWS users.
The Review tab gives you an overview of all the characteristics of the new bucket. Make sure everything is in order and click “Create bucket” on the bottom-right of the window.
Once you can create the buckets you need to store your data, simply start by adding them through drag and drop or copy-paste and they will become objects in the respective buckets. Now, using your AWS Management Console in the browser or through the downloaded desktop app, you will be able to gain instant access to all the objects and buckets on your account.
If you don’t want to go through all the hassle of accessing Amazon S3 through its native apps, there’s a better solution out there. CloudMounter is the best S3 client on the market because it allows you to mount S3 as a desktop drive on your computer and easily manage the data as they were stored locally. Easily pick the bucket you want to mount so you don’t waste time linking all of them and then use Finder or Explorer to navigate through it and manage the data as needed.
On top of that, you will be able to use CloudMounter for all the AWS regions - Frankfurt, Seoul, Ohio, Mumbai, Central, London, or Beijing. Another added advantage that this Amazon S3 client brings is the compatibility with other storage services such as Сloudian HyperStore.
Mac users that have an Amazon S3 account will be able to seamlessly access the data thanks to CloudMounter. This Amazon S3 Mac client enables you to mount the online storage solution as a local or network drive on your device. It comes with Finder integration and enhanced security, thanks to the encryption protocols offered. Furthermore, you’ll forget all about any file size limits or other restrictions that you’d normally encounter using the S3 native interface. Add CloudMounter on your Mac, mount Amazon S3 and many other cloud storage solutions, and start accessing and managing data like never before.
The versatility and enhanced functionality of CloudMounter can be unleashed by Windows users as well. Linking an Amazon S3 account on your computer has never been easier. Use CloudMounter to mount cloud storage as a local drive on Windows, and you’ll be able to make the most of Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and numerous other online storage solutions. Just like on Mac, CloudMounter gives you great accessibility by having these accounts available as local and network locations. Compared to the Amazon S3 native interface, CloudMounter gives you a much friendlier and versatile interface.
Now that you know the reasons why CloudMounter is the most performant S3 desktop client you can use, it’s time to take a closer look at the steps to follow when mounting Amazon S3 with the app.
First of all, install CloudMounter after you downloaded it from the official website.
Run the app as soon as it’s added to your computer, and click on “Amazon S3” from the available list of connections.
Give the new connection a name.
Insert the Amazon S3 Access Key and Secret Key in the specified fields, as well as the Server endpoint (you can find all this data in your AWS Management Console under Security Credentials and copy-paste it here).
Next, it’s time to choose the name of the bucket you want to link by simply entering its name. Another way to do it is to indicate its root directory.
You won’t need to specify the region as well as it will be detected automatically.
Hit “Mount” to finalize the process.
In addition to offering support for the S3 FTP client, you can rely on CloudMounter to give you access to other 3rd-party storage solutions that are compatible with S3. For example, you can use the same steps described above to connect it to Wasabi, Mini, Hyperstore, and more through the “Server Endpoint” field. Instead of inserting the Server Endpoint, Access ID, and Secret Access Key for S3, just go grab the credentials for the 3rd-party storage system you’re using and use them as local disks on your computer.
Since we’re determined to provide our readers with complete information, we’ve also put together a list of other solutions that can be used to access Amazon’s S3 on a computer. After rigorous testing, CloudMounter remains the app we recommend, however, these can be stored as back-up apps as well: