CloudMounter VS Odrive

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Cloud storage has all but replaced conventional drive-based storage methods. It’s easy to see why. Cloud storage offers a huge amount of space without taking up any actual physical space with additional drives. Plus, it simplifies sharing with friends, family and colleagues. All you need to do is provide someone with authorisation and the right link, and they can access and edit files stored in the cloud.

However, to get the most out of cloud storage, it’s a good idea to use a third party app. There are plenty on offer, but we’re looking at two particular ones in this review CloudMounter and Odrive. Read on to find out what these cloud management apps have to offer.


CloudMounter is a great cloud management app that offers a huge range of different tools and features designed to make it as convenient as possible. CloudMounter is compatible with a range of different cloud systems, letting you easily manage them from your desktop. It can handle OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon S3, and a number of other widely used cloud storage tools.

One of the greatest things about CloudMounter is the fact that it can integrate straight into your MacBook or other device’s drive, whether using CloudMounter Windows or Mac. You can mount cloud storage as local drive and search for files in the same way as you would any file already stored on a drive, saving time and making it as easy as possible to get to what you need.

On top of that, CloudMounter provides you with improved security. The app automatically encrypts files and folders, ensuring that you can enjoy a higher level of security than that which the cloud automatically provides. In addition, CloudMounter works as an FTP client letting you mount devices for easy management. And it can work with WebDAV folders as well. All in all, CloudMounter is a great app for anyone using cloud storage, whether for business or simply for personal use.

Key features:

  • Multi-cloud support
  • Mount cloud storage as local drives
  • Integration with Finder and Explorer
  • FTP/SFTP/WebDAV support
  • Offline access
CloudMounter menu


Odrive works in much the same way as other cloud management programs, and is a good alternative to CloudMounter. It’s compatible with a good range of storage systems, meaning that you won’t have any compatibility issues assuming that you’re making use of the more popular systems. It has plenty of sync and backup features, making it easy to keep your files safe at all times. You can also install it on any number of devices, making it especially convenient if you’re going to want to keep multiple systems in sync.

Odrive offers additional encryption, though it’s not as good as it could be. There’s no second step in their encryption, just a code. That means that if you lose your code, you lose your data, which isn’t ideal. Beyond that, straightforward sharing is done by sending an authentication link. You can also simply set up folders as shared storage, meaning that anyone using that folder will be able to access and edit all the files. Odrive is a good program in general, it’s got plenty to recommend it, and runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Odrive has a free version, premium plans start at $15/month per user.

Key features:

  • Unified syncing
  • Placeholder files
  • Sync unlimited data
  • Cross-platform
  • FTP/SFTP/WebDAV support

Comparing the Features of CloudMounter and Odrive

CloudMounter and Odrive both offer a lot of the same tools. They’re both compatible with a good selection of cloud storage options, and they both offer plenty of different sync and backup options. One of the main failings of Odrive is the encryption. While it’s got no problems encrypting files and folders, the lack of a two step process is irritating.

And the complete dependence on a single encryption code to access files is a recipe for disaster. Without a password manager, it’s far too easy to lose a code and lose access to data. Another thing missing from Odrive is mounting options. CloudMounter lets you mount drives in order to manage their contents in a quick and efficient way.

Odrive doesn’t have this option, which is a shame given how useful it is. Another major shortcoming of Odrive is the lack of a search option. This would seem like an obvious feature to add to any storage management system, and CloudMounter even integrates with your existing search function to let you navigate your files and folders. However, with Odrive everything needs to be done manually, which is irritating and a waste of time.

The Verdict

Both CloudMounter and Odrive have a lot to offer. They’re efficient programs that make cloud management a lot easier than it would otherwise be. That said, we have to admit that CloudMounter is our preferred option. The encryption of Odrive is less than ideal for cloud security. On top of that, CloudMounter has the ability to mount as drive, which is particularly useful.

In addition, CloudMounter is simply so easy to use, and so fast and effective, that there’s no reason to use a different program. Depending on which cloud systems you use, you may want to invest in Odrive. But we’re happy to recommend CloudMounter to our readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends what you’re looking for. OneDrive and Google Drive are two of the most widely used services, both give you plenty of storage space for free, and if you’re already signed up to one of their other services you can use your existing details to create an account.

Odrive is completely safe. It’s used by many people around the world, and offers increased encryption that keeps your files and folders completely secure.

CloudMounter basically functions as a management and sync program. It links your device to the cloud services you use, letting you transfer files between the two. By using a single program for multiple cloud services, you can easily manage your files and folders, as well as boost security with added encryption.