How to disable the generation of files preview?

Preventing File Previews and Auto-Downloads in CloudMounter

Note:   This issue is not relevant for macOS Native Drive type of disk mounting. If you are not using it, then follow the advice below.

Up to macOS 10.15, CloudMounter managed to disable the generation of files preview on the mounted drives and with the release of macOS 10.15 Catalina, it is no longer possible for the app to perform this option due to Apple’s innovations. This leads to the fact that when you go to the folder located on any mounted drive media files begin to download.

With the release of CloudMounter version 3.6, we have managed to fix this issue of not creating previews and not downloading the files on macOS 10.15 Catalina on the condition that:

  1. You are using the site or the Setapp version of the software.
  2. You have FUSE version 3.10.3 and later installed on your computer. 

Meanwhile, if you are using the AppStore version of CloudMounter or you do not have FUSE installed on your computer, the workaround is the following:

1. In Finder, invoke View Options in the mode in which the user is working by one of these methods:

  • using the menu item View → Options;
  • in the context menu Show View Options;
  • hotkey CMD+J. In the window that appears, disable the “Show icon preview” checkbox.
Show icon preview
Note:  Unfortunately, this will disable the preview on all drives/folders in Finder, including local drives as well.

2. Use Commander One. Mount connections via the app to avoid this issue. Please note, that it is a paid app and if you do not have it, we provide our users with a 50% discount.